About Us
We are Jason and Angela. We grew up together in a small town in Ohio. Jason joined the US Army and served in Desert Storm/Desert Sheild. He returned home a different man. Today Jason is a 100% disabled US Army veteran with his rating being from PTSD and TBI. Everyday he faces different struggles. Some days are better than others. This is not easy for him or our family. You see the mental struggles veterans face not only affect them, but those around them. But we are his SUPPORT system and love him through the good and bad. We spend a lot of time with our daughter and granddaughter who live close to us. They bring us joy. Being there for other veterans and their families who are struggling also brings us joy.
Knowing the struggles we face daily; we can’t imagine how someone with no support system feels trying to navigate these days. Thousands and thousands of veterans have to face these struggles alone and many resort to suicide to get rid of the pain and suffering. It is heart wrenching.
For this reason, we want to help bring awareness to “The 22”. The average number of veterans who take their own lives daily.
Our plan is to travel to 22 states in 22 days while raising money to donate to S.T.R.I.V.E. (The Suicide and Trama Reduction Initiative for Veterans) of The Ohio State University. Working with motorcycle dealers, riding groups, veteran organizations, and local businesses, we will have rides/events to allow others to join us in this fight. We hope you will help us with this fight by joining us on all or part of our ride (all forms of transportation welcome), buying an event T-shirt or making a donation to this cause through the link on our website.

Help us raise Veteran Suicide Awareness
Each Day an Average of 22 Veterans lose their battle with Mental Health.
Follow Along for Some or ALL of the Route (2025)
Click on the Stop below to get all the event times, route plan, and discount hotels
#1 Plain City, OH No Cages Harley Davidson May 23
#2 Taylor, MI Motown Harley Davidson May 24
#3 Lafayette, IN Hunters Moon Harley Davidson May 25
#4 Countryside, IL Illinois Harley Davidson May 26
#5 Milwaukee, WI House of Harley May 27
Rothchild, WI Bull Falls Harley Davidson May 27
#6 Lakeville, MN Twin City Harley Davidson May 28
Eden Prairie, MN Wild Prarie Harley Davidson May 28
#7 Jamestown, ND Stutsman Harley Davidson May 29
#8 Sioux City, SD Roosters Harley Davidson May 30
#9 Des Moines, IA Big Barn HD May 31
#10 Osage Beach, MO Lake of the Ozarks HD June 1
#11 Wichita, KS Twister City Harley Davidson June 2
#12 Edmond, OK Iron Nation Harley Davidson June 3
#13 Conway, AR Toad Suck Harley Davidson June 4
#14 Nacogdoches, TX LumberJack Harley Davidson June 5
#15 Monroe, LA Warhawk Harley Davidson June 6
#16 Southaven, MS Southern Thunder Harley Davidson June 7
#17 Trussville, AL Riders Harley Davidson June 8
#18 Chattanooga, TN White Lightning Harley Davidson June 9
#19 Buford, GA Frazier's Harley Davison June 10
#20 Spartanburg, SC High Voltage Harley Davidson June 11
Johnson City, TN Wrecking Crew Harley Davidson June 11
#21 Lexington, KY Man O War Harley Davidson June 12
#22 Huntington, WV Black Sheep Harley Davidson June 13
Celebration Final Columbus, OH Moto Boutique June 14
Grab the Official 22in22 VSA Shirt!
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